martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Don't know you think about...
I don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go.
I don't know you think about...
I don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home.
I don't know, if youre under "that" feeling... ohh
You can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
When you are under "that" feeling
You can try step on the dryleaf in the streets...
Oh boy, you can try... oh boy, you can try...
i don't know you think about...
I don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go
I don't know you think about...
I don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home.
I don't know, if youre under "that" feeling... ohh
You can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
When you are under "that" feeling
You can try step on the dryleaf in the streets...
Oh boy, you can try... oh boy, you can try...
I don't know, if youre under "that" feeling... ohh
You can try smelling the hot rain in the streets 
When you are under "that" feeling
You can try step on the dryleaf in the streets...
Oh boy, you can try... oh boy, you can try...

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

I miss you honey.... away from us there´s a lot of people,

but we are LONELY   here. ~ ♪    ♥ 

we get away from ourselves.-

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

quiero olvidarte y NO puedo, fuck off!!!!!!!

domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

dijistes que seguirias siendote fiel a ti misma pero, te has vuelto a defraudar. ¿que sucedio con tus ideales, tu forma de ser?, la sonrisa con la que cargabas,¿ era mas pesada que la cruz?.
dime a quien le eres fiel ahora. porque no me sorprendere, tratare de mantenerte en pie y se que aguantaras otra pelea mas, no digas que has perdido.
 las dos sabemos que no tienes razon.~